Saturday, September 12, 2009

Starting Over

My oldest son started dating again and his new girl friend is a friend from high school that we had met. Now when he told me he was dating I was really happy for him, because he hasn't been himself for a while, well since is ex broke off the engagement. Still not sure why that all came about, but I figure it wasn't meant to be. Anyway so my husband ask, " So when do we get to met her"? And the usual answer is I don't know I will have to set something up. I know it is always trying when one has to met "The Parents"! I know times have changed, but it is hard to understand how you break up with someone you loved and you still can be friends. My son is dating someone new and the ex is dating someone new and they still go out with their friends and their new dates. I think it is great that they can still be friends, but it would be odd to me to be around someone I really cared about and to see them with someone else. I don't know maybe I am putting more into this than I need to I am just thinking when I was that age if I broke up with someone that was the end. I had tried to be friends and it just never worked out. I guess times have changed and things just are different from when I was young. It has been several years since we met this girl and she had a lot of issues back then that my son said she has got her life in order and isn't that girl that she was in high school. She is two years younger and is going to college. I know my son is not really looking forward to the whole meeting the parents thing. I know I am not going to get myself involved like I did last time and they are just dating and I hope he doesn't rush into things although last time they were together two years when they decided to get engaged. Only time will tell and the main thing is I want my son to be happy. Starting over is never easy when you have been with someone else for a while, but it seems like they are both coping with it and are still friends so who am I to judge anyway.

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

it is HARD to just be friends... but I am glad Big-D & I are... cuz he fixed my computer! lol! but really... I am happy for your son, and good luck with the "meeting the parents" thing...