Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I admit it I am a procrastinator. I try not to be, but I just can't help it. I am not a planner be any means of the word. Lets face it every time I do plan something which is hardly ever, well it never works out. I have to say though that I have been getting better. I have two years to get my continuing education done to renew my license for work and most of the time I am scrambling at the last minute to get them all done. Not this time by golly I am ready! The thing is I am always saying to myself I have time there is no hurry and than before I know time has slipped away. I do that a lot with most of the things I have to do for work. I wait until the last moment to renew my CPR, or when I had to get my TB shot I wait until the last possible moment I can. Not sure why I do this because you would think the sooner you get it done the better off you are. Never seems to work for me though.

I think I am more like fly by the set of you pants spear of the moment kind of person. I don't like planning things because like I said they never work out for me. I like to say lets do this today!! Some times I like to do things spontaneously. Like one time we were on vacation and about ready to go home and I said , "Lets drive to the ocean before we go, we have time"! It took us three hours to find the ocean! My family was like mom I don't think I like it when you do things on the spear of the moment, but we did have fun that day!

Well, maybe some times the things I plan work out okay! My wedding for one thing, but it wasn't all so simple because there was a point I just wanted to forget the whole wedding thing and just elope, but we made it through. I think one of the hardest things I did have to plan was my mom's funeral. I think because she was still a live when I went to make the arrangements. She told me I needed to before she died, because it was really hard on her when my dad passed away because he died suddenly in his sleep. Yeah that was really hard for me to go pick out the box for her remains and to give the funeral director all the information and what not. It was I think the hardest thing I ever had to do, but it really was good that I planned it out. Oh I have to say I did procrastinate on that too, because my mom kept telling me you need to go and get this done. I know I know. I just didn't want to face the fact that she was dying. It was so surreal because it happened so fast.

The one time that planning out something did work out is when we took a two week vacation to go camping on the coast of Oregon. I planned out that we were going to go to point A and go all the way down to point G. So we went the whole way down the coast of Oregon staying at a camp ground for two days each. Well it was great except my husband told me, "Do you think the next time you plan on a trip like this that we could get a pop up tent trailer"? Oh what's wrong dear, he said I am getting tired of putting up this tent just to take it down again and put it up again some where else. I told him but you have got it down to a tee!! That was a fun time though and I would really love to do that again.

I can't tell you how many Chirstmas I would wait until Christmas Eve to go shopping! Talk about procrastinating! Not only going shopping, but having to come home and wrap it all in one night just to have it all undone in a matter of seconds! I have been better at starting a little eariler. I am not like some people that get all there shopping done in July, but I do get it done a few weeks before Christmas. One other thing I never do is shop the day after Thanksgiving, no thank you!! I don't like crowds as it is and to go out in that mess just to save a couple bucks isn't worth it to me!

I will probably always procrastinate, but I am trying to get a little better at certain things. I don't know maybe it is the adrenaline rush you get when you have to hurry up and get something done I really don't know why I like to wait until the last minute. I will keep on trying to get this done in a timely manner, but there is no guarantee this will happen anytime soon.

Friday, November 21, 2008

In Other Words

In reading friends blogs not that I am trying to take what they say away or anything it just got me thinking. God made us in his likeness, so who are we to say we aren't beautiful? Well lets face it people are just down right cruel, especially kids. I mean middle school and high school are the worse. I always tell my kids they are beautiful inside and out and not to listen to what other kids say to them. It really breaks my heart sometimes when a kid had been mean to my daughter and said stuff to her or threw stuff at her. I got a call one time to come in to talk to the councilor because my daughter was writing an essay and mentioned suicide in the essay. I was beside myself when she told me this. I mean if a kid can say something or do something to make you feel like killing yourself even when you have been brought up in God's house what about the kids that aren't? As a parent you always want to be there for your children and sometimes you can't. We watch our daughter really closely ever since this and her big brother had a talk with her after this had happened, because after all a teenager really doesn't want to talk to MOM about that, and I thought that if her big brother talked to her it would be a lot better. She is doing good and she even said today that she is beautiful inside and out no matter what other people think. Kudo's to you sweetheart!!

God made us in his likeness and made us perfect, but Adam and Eve blew it so than we became sinful and God had to give us imperfections because of that, but he also gave his one only only son to wash away our sin's and he died for us and if you believe you will be saved. Isn't it nice to know that no matter what if you believe you will be saved and have eternal life and be perfect with God. I'm really not sure where I am going with this but I think you know what I am saying. That no matter what people or kids say you shouldn't let them get to you because they aren't perfect either and you are just more beautiful than they are because you know the truth.

So when life has got you down or something or someone has said something to make you feel bad just remember God loves you and is always there for you. I will try to remember that as well because sometimes I don't remember.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Animal Chat

The other day as I was getting ready for work my husband told me there was people at the store giving away puppie's I said, oh that's nice. He said I almost brought one home, but thought I better not. Ok before I go on let me just say I love animals and would have a whole slew of them if I could, but this is what my husband always says when I am in aw of a puppy, "We aren't getting another animal until Nala (our mutt of a dog) goes". End of story. So I just look at him when he is telling me about the puppy and how he almost brought one home and I say to him now I would have been a bit upset because you are always telling me I can't have another animal until Nala goes and YOU almost bring one home? I didn't did I? Beside they were small dogs I think the lady told me they were chihuahua mix. I know you don't care for them and I thought if I brought it home you might think it was a rat. Oh please!! Yesterday he tells me there is a poster for bulldog puppies and they were asking 125.00 for them. They are so cute he says. Well that is really cheap for a bulldog they go for 1000.00 to 2000.00. Than last night on the news someone had stolen two bulldog puppies and if anyone had any information to contact secret witness. So my husband thinks maybe the poster from the store are those puppies. Today he went to the sheriff's department and they gave him the number to secret witness and he called to tell them about the poster. I don't know it could be different puppies. So he is saying if they are the ones he would get a reward and it would be nice right before Christmas. I am like good luck with that, you will be lucky if you see it before March!! Don't get your hopes up dear I tell him!!

I talked to my oldest son yesterday and in the conversation he was telling me they had to take the kitty into the vet last week. Is he okay I ask? Well worse case scenario he might have this fatal cat diease in which they would have to put him down. I told him I was praying that it isn't that and that he is going to be okay. I told him to call me to let me know what they found out. They were taking him in at 3:00 PM I haven't heard from him yet. This is the kitty they rescued and I hope for my son's sake he is going to be fine.

My son has 3 cats and the kitten and I was over his place last week and his one cat missy is so loving. I was petting her and stopped and she was pawing at me because she didn't want me to stop! I love cats like that!!

I would have 3 dogs if I could and a few cats. I can't have cats because of my daughter being allergic to them. I don't know what is up with my husband because everytime I would mention wanting another dog he wants nothing to do with it, but now he has been talking about these puppies lately does he have a change of heart? Who knows it is just strange

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sickness and Health

A friend wrote about blessings and guardian angels and it got me thinking about my blessings. I thank God everyday for my families health. My children have had their share of sickness,but nothing that couldn't be fixed with medication. I think my oldest was sick more than the other two with my youngest being sick the least. None of them have had any broken bones so I am really grateful there. Now when I was young I was sick all the time. I had chronic ear infections all the time and every time I got an ear infection I always had two other things going on. I was always in the hospital getting buttons put into my ears and it was a hardship on my parents. I had seizures because of high temperatures and was put on seizure medication which gave me night terrors. I finally out grew the ear infections when I was 13 and was very grateful for sure and so were my parents. So when my first child was born and he got sick for the first time he started to have a seizure which my mom knew that's what was going on because of me having them when I was young. We took him to the ER and they said it was seizure from the high temp. What happens is he would start out with a little temp, but it would shoot up so fast that is what would cause the seizure. I tell you that was so scary! He had a few more and his doctor put him on the seizure medication for a year and than took him off and he never had another seizure after that. I thank God for that!

He went on to have ear infections, strep throat, tonsillitis (which he got a lot when he was young, but not often enough to have them removed) When he was 5 he got chicken pox. They didn't have the shot for that when he was young. Well low and behold guess who else got them, ME I was 31 at the time and couldn't believe it! I called my mom and ask her didn't I get chicken pox when I was young, well she said yes but just a small case of them. That was awful! He also got bronchiectasis which he still gets at least once a year. He didn't have any broken bones, but he sliced his finger wide open that it almost cut the tendons. He was at a youth trip and the guy called me and said he might need stitches when he got home and I saw it I couldn't believe it, I said MIGHT need stitches Yeah think!! He had seven put in. His shoulders would dislocate and he would pop them back in, well one to many times and it started not to pop back in he had to go to the ER so they could pop them back in and he would wear a sling for a while. One time he was at youth camp and I got a call and they were taking him to the hospital because they could pop it back in. He had jumped in the lake and it popped out. He had surgery last year they put hooks so to speck in his shoulder. He hasn't had a problem with it since.

My daughter got sick with ear infections and strep throat, but with her it didn't matter what she had she would always vomit. When she was a baby she got croup, ear infection, and strep throat at the same time. The croup was the worst because she had this terrible barking cough. She has had some respiratory problems and she is really bad when she is around cats. No broken bones no bad cuts although I had gotten her ears pierced and they got infected so bad we couldn't take the earrings out and I had to take her to have the doctor cut them out and than she had stitches. She wants to get her ear pierced again but I am not so sure!

My youngest has had a few ear infections but not like his older brother or sister. He hasn't got as sick as they did and not really sick even when he was a baby.

So I am counting my blessings and thanking God everyday for healthy children I don't like to see them sick anyway, but than who does! I am thankful for when they have been sick it was something that could be taken care of with medication.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I love to cook and bake and am always looking to try something new. My husband is usually game for new stuff it is my youngest son who is so darn picky. My oldest is too, but since he lives on his own I guess I can't really count him in anymore. I get this bill in the mail thanking me for ordering taste of home magazine. I am like I didn't order this. So I ask my husband. He said I didn't think I order it, but I wanted to order it. Well it was to late to cancel because they happily said my first magazine was in the mail. I thought well ok it is only 10 bucks anyway not to bad I am always looking for new recipes so hey what the heck. Than I get another bill for good house keeping I am what the heck!! My husband said I didn't order it, well I didn't either!! This one was 20 bucks. So I went ahead and paid for both in hopes I don't get some other magazine in the mail saying "Thank you for your order we are so happy you subscribed".

The other day I was looking through a magzine at work and found a recipe for pumpkin-ginger cheesecake that looks yummy so I had to make a copy of it! On this they also have chocolate-pecan tart with butterscotch cream, now that sounds really rich! I also found another recidpe for holiday walnut cake. Another time I had found potluck polynesian chicken which I made one time and even my youngest put a thumbs up!! So I will be making that again.

Now I did say in another blog about my mom always making this nut roll every year for the holidays and how she never taught me how to make it. So I was going through some of her cook books trying to find the "green" one because I know that is where the recipe is and I got so up set because I thought I might have left it at the house she lived in. I was asking my children if they remember if I took it because cleaning out the house was a blure anyways, they said maybe you put it in a box that you took to the shed. I searched and I found it, I was so happy!! So I had the task of trying to find the recipe in this book, but I opened it up and low and behold my mom had it typed up! The nut roll is called "Potica" I am not good with stuff made with yeast, but I am going to try on my own to make this no matter if I have to do the dough several times. After all it was a tradition every year for as long as I can remember! My mom even made last Christmas even though she wasn't feeling all that well bless her heart!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


A friend wrote: "To blog or not to blog". Well it got me thinking on why I blog. I came across it by accident really. My friend was telling me about her daughter's blog and than gave me the web site to go to, well the only way to leave a comment was to have your own account, so that is really how I got started. I really didn't know how it all worked or what I should say, because I never done this before. I really just write done what is happening in my life at the time and it usually about my children. I think it is just a way to express your feelings or thoughts at that time. Sometime I get thinking in my head what I could write and it sounds pretty good. I write it done and it usually doesn't sound as good as it did in my head! So with that said I do have something in my head that I will write down.

Monday night my husband and daughter went to the theater to watch Monday night football my son and I didn't want to go. My daughter texted me and this is how the conversation went:

daughter: Hi mommy guess what I won a bud light weird huh.
me: How could you win that you aren't even old enough.
daughter: What's your point?
me: My point is you aren't old enough to drink beer.
daughter: It's just a hat.
me: Oh well you didn't say that in your first text.
daughter: I told you it was a hat and if I didn't I'm sorry. Love you mommy!!
me: Love you too!

As you can see I wasn't getting how she won a beer when she is only 16 and here it was just a hat that has bud light on it!!

Sunday was my youngest son's birthday he turned 13. I had worked Saturday night so I wanted to sleep a couple hours so I wouldn't be so tired for his big day! My husband comes in woke me up and I was of course a little upset to say the least, but he said my oldest son was here. So I got up and was half a sleep when my husband was trying to tell me something which he should have known better I am not awake! I don't know why he does that! I was trying to talk to my oldest son,but to no avail so I just told him I would talk to him when he came over on one of his days off. My husband took my son to the movies while I woke up and than that night we took him out to dinner. He invited two of his friends and my daughter invited her friend. So he said he had a nice birthday of which I was glad. They came back to the house for cake and they played for a while and I took them home.

The other day I went and bought a new vacuum that I desperately need and my husband was putting it together and tells me, "you won't believe this", what won't I believe? "I almost read the instructions". I roll my eyes! What is it about men and not reading the instructions? My oldest son is the same way. Than they wonder why they have extra screws left. My husband says they are extras. I say NOT they come with the amount of stuff they need. MEN!

Monday, November 10, 2008


In my last blog I wrote about the holidays, well that got me to thinking about holidays past and present. My mom was from a family of 7 kids. She had two older brothers, two older sisters, and two younger sisters. When growing up we would have the holidays with family. We usually either had Christmas at our place or my one aunts house. It usually was the four sisters who got all their family's to go to one of the houses. So it was a pretty big get together with the sisters their spouses and all the kids! My grandmother would also be there of course, so it was really alot of fun to have most of the family together. As time went on though and all the grandkids grew up we didn't have those get togethers. It would be just each family doing their own thing with there own family. I kind of missed have everyone together. Well than the grandkids started to have kids so I really don't think we could have had everyone all in the same place.

When I had started my family we would go to my parents place for Christmas, but we would have Chirstmas Eve at my husbands family because that was their "tradition" to celebrate on Christmas Eve. That always work at perfect! When my grandmom was still alive she would take turns on who's family she would go to. I always loved when it was our turn for her to come and I really miss that. Every year since I could remember my mom would make this nut roll for Christmas and I always look forward to it and that was the only time she would make it so it made it even more speical.

When my dad past away we had a new tradition. My mom wasn't going to put the tree up because she just felt she couldn't do it, so my oldest son surprised her and put it up. We decided that year we would take all the gifts over to mom's house and spend the night on Christmas Eve so that mom wouldn't be alone on Christmas morning. We did that for three years. My mom past away this past March and it has been really hard on me not wanting to enjoy the holidays, but I went to the store today and saw all the nice Christmas decorations and although it will be hard I know it will be a great Christmas and I will just have to start some new traditions! Oh my mom never taught me how to make that nut roll, but by golly I will try to learn it on my own.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Even though I would just like to forget about the holidays this year I know in reality I can't, so I was asking my husband what do we do about our son's now ex-girlfriend? He said he didn't know that I should ask our son what he has planned. ( figures he puts the ball in my court!) My son happen to come over that day so I asked him what he had planned and what Rachel had planned? He said he didn't know what she was planning on doing. My question is should we still asked her to come here? Should I still get her something for Christmas? ( I already really planned on still getting her something) It is a very hard time right now. My son did say they were having a freindsgiving. Oh I say is that like picking names and exchanging gifts? No mom Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving! OH I get it!! Well that really nice. Another one of their friends has a Christmas cookie exchange party! Oh that a fun idea! As far as my son goes he is planning on spending the holidays with us. I guess I could still invite Rachel I just don't know if she would feel uncomfortable. We will just see what happens. In the mean time I am going to get ready for my youngest son's birthday. He finally told me some of the things he wanted, but still doesn't know where he wants to go for his special dinner. He has invited four friends. One of the friends is my daughters friend and her sister. We drive them to and from school. My husband said that my daughter and son were fighting over who was going to give them the invitation! Well since it is my son birthday I would think he should give them the invite!! So life marches on and I can just only take it one day at a time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Youngest

Sunday my youngest turns 13. Wow, where did the time go? By the end of last school year his voice started to change. We always ask our children where they would like to go for dinner on their special day. We keep asking him and he still doesn't know where he wants to go. We let them invite a friend or two to go as well. So here it is Thrusday already and he still doesn't know where he wants to go for dinner. My husband said maybe we should just pick the place, I said NO it is his special day he has to pick where we're going, after all it is kind of a tradition. I know by Sunday he will know where he wants to go. In the mean time I have been asking him what he would like for his birthday he finally told me yesterday. So I will going shopping tomorrow. I always try and get them what they want, but I always have to threw in some clothes which he needs pants anyway. He has grown out of his pants and only has two pairs. I love to shop anyway so it will be fun to go out and get somethings that he wants. My sister in law always sends the kids money for their birthday and for Christmas and I got thinking the other night of how much money they would have had, had they saved all this money. Nursemom said yeah but it's birthday money. So, my son had got his money last Saturday and of course it was burning a hole in his pocket so on Sunday my husband took him out so he could spend it. He bought this batman lego game for the play station and than he ask me if he could buy his own cell phone. I told him he could but that if he abused the privilege we would take it away as a punishment he agreed. He bought the phone and now my daughter is upset because his phone is nicer than hers. Oh my gosh! Having two teenagers in the house is very different for me since my oldest son is so much older. Nursemom how did you do it with having how many teenagers at one time? I took his birthday off so it will be nice to have six days off work! I really need it too. I haven't been feeling all that great, not that I am sick or anything just feeling kind of blah. So I am looking forward to my son's birthday and having the time off to collect my thoughts and in hopes that I just stop feeling this blah. I think it is because the holidays are coming up and it will be the first year without my mom. This too will pass.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pet Peeve

I just got my annal letter from employee health about getting my T.B. shot and F.I.T. test. It was to remind me I have until the end of the month to make an appointment to come in, well this is really nice of them to remind me, but my pet peeve is do they really have to put in bright red coloring that if I don't come in by the end of the month I could be suspended. That just bugs the heck out of me. What am I stupid or something, like I am not going to make an appointment to come in a risk losing my job, I don't think so, I am not a child here Hello!! It also reminds me of a D.O.N. we had that would write these memos and post them at the nurses station. She would capitalize something that she wanted to make sure you understood what she was getting at or she would use exclamation mark not one but three! Use to drive me crazy! Well one day we had a meeting with just person and it was in the morning after work. I was sitting next to nursemom and the D.O.N. had passed out these papers. So what does nursemom do she shows me the exclamation marks and we start cracking up laughing!! Never sit next to nursemom when you have a meeting after work!! Well the D.O.N. wanted to know what was so funny, we just told her oh nothing it is an inside joke!!! ( Notice the exclamation marks)

Another pet peeve I have is work. They want to cut back here and there. Ok I know times are tough and it is everywhere, but patient care give me a break! Everyone is saying the most important thing is taking care of the patients. They want each department to cut back on hours, how do you do that and take care of the patients? I know where they can cut back how about the big CEO not get his big Fat Bonus of 600,000 a year that would surely help don't yeah think!! The mangers who also get these nice bonuses if they cut those that would surely help out to, but do you think they will I highly doubt it! We have been cut so much in our department we are a skeleton crew. We don't get the supplies we used to it is just very on nerving. What about the nurses, nursing assistants, lab tech, x-ray techs and so on they are the people that make the hospital work by taking care of these patients it isn't Mr CEO that is for sure. Is he cutting back his hours? I doubt that to. The thing about him he is probably salary paid so it wouldn't matter if he did cut his hours he would still get the same pay. Where is the justice?

Another thing these other big time CEO's saying how they have lost money on there retirement funds just like "US" give me a break you are still doing fine and you still are rich so don't cry to me about losing money, PLEASE! It isn't like you are hurting like some of these people who are retired and depend on that income they are truly the one's hurting!

Anyway just thought on election day I would share some of my thoughts or pet peeves in hopes that things well turn around and we can breath a little better!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Another Halloween come and gone

Well got through another Halloween. Thursday my oldest son came over to visit and he hadn't got all the things he needed for his costume. So I ask if he wanted to go to Mervyns to see if we could find the last couple of things. So off we went. Found the pants he needed, but not the gloves so off to J.C. Penney we go. We were looking for the location of the gloves and couldn't seen them so friendly employee ask if we were finding everything ok and of course we say no and tell him what we are looking for. He leads us right to what we were looking for making jokes and what not. So we get the gloves go to pay for them and friendly sales person tells the other sales person since he is new go and check out the customer. Than friendly sales person tells him as we are leaving that he likes to joke around with the customers. Well I would rather have a sales person that is friendly and joking than one who could careless. We go back home and I bribe my son to stay for dinner. He goes home first to put the stuff we bought away only to come back over all dress in his costume, which looked pretty cool! He goes with me to pick up the pizza I order and this lady ask me if I take him every where I go!! So I laugh and say yes. That is the fun thing about Halloween is getting other people reaction to your costume! My son is always coming up with these ideas for Halloween that most people don't have a clue of what he is unless they are a geek like him! Now I mean that in the best of ways really!! Last year he was a borg. If you don't know what that is it is a character from star trek. This year he was a character from the comic book "The Watchmen", which I didn't know until the trailer came out for the movie. Anyway he looked really cool! My youngest son was the joker and he did all his own make up and everything and did a pretty good job! My daughter was dead nurse and she also did a good job with her make up. They went over to her friends house for a party and ended up going out trick or treating. It is the first year that their dad or I didn't go with them and that felt pretty weird. I didn't get to many trick or treaters at the door so now I have all this candy left over, oh well darn I guess I will just have to suffer, NOT!! LOL