Thursday, November 20, 2008

Animal Chat

The other day as I was getting ready for work my husband told me there was people at the store giving away puppie's I said, oh that's nice. He said I almost brought one home, but thought I better not. Ok before I go on let me just say I love animals and would have a whole slew of them if I could, but this is what my husband always says when I am in aw of a puppy, "We aren't getting another animal until Nala (our mutt of a dog) goes". End of story. So I just look at him when he is telling me about the puppy and how he almost brought one home and I say to him now I would have been a bit upset because you are always telling me I can't have another animal until Nala goes and YOU almost bring one home? I didn't did I? Beside they were small dogs I think the lady told me they were chihuahua mix. I know you don't care for them and I thought if I brought it home you might think it was a rat. Oh please!! Yesterday he tells me there is a poster for bulldog puppies and they were asking 125.00 for them. They are so cute he says. Well that is really cheap for a bulldog they go for 1000.00 to 2000.00. Than last night on the news someone had stolen two bulldog puppies and if anyone had any information to contact secret witness. So my husband thinks maybe the poster from the store are those puppies. Today he went to the sheriff's department and they gave him the number to secret witness and he called to tell them about the poster. I don't know it could be different puppies. So he is saying if they are the ones he would get a reward and it would be nice right before Christmas. I am like good luck with that, you will be lucky if you see it before March!! Don't get your hopes up dear I tell him!!

I talked to my oldest son yesterday and in the conversation he was telling me they had to take the kitty into the vet last week. Is he okay I ask? Well worse case scenario he might have this fatal cat diease in which they would have to put him down. I told him I was praying that it isn't that and that he is going to be okay. I told him to call me to let me know what they found out. They were taking him in at 3:00 PM I haven't heard from him yet. This is the kitty they rescued and I hope for my son's sake he is going to be fine.

My son has 3 cats and the kitten and I was over his place last week and his one cat missy is so loving. I was petting her and stopped and she was pawing at me because she didn't want me to stop! I love cats like that!!

I would have 3 dogs if I could and a few cats. I can't have cats because of my daughter being allergic to them. I don't know what is up with my husband because everytime I would mention wanting another dog he wants nothing to do with it, but now he has been talking about these puppies lately does he have a change of heart? Who knows it is just strange

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

i hope the police do catch the puppy theives! maybe your hubby is putting feelers out for christmas. maybe there'll be a little barky-barky under your tree...