Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I love to cook and bake and am always looking to try something new. My husband is usually game for new stuff it is my youngest son who is so darn picky. My oldest is too, but since he lives on his own I guess I can't really count him in anymore. I get this bill in the mail thanking me for ordering taste of home magazine. I am like I didn't order this. So I ask my husband. He said I didn't think I order it, but I wanted to order it. Well it was to late to cancel because they happily said my first magazine was in the mail. I thought well ok it is only 10 bucks anyway not to bad I am always looking for new recipes so hey what the heck. Than I get another bill for good house keeping I am what the heck!! My husband said I didn't order it, well I didn't either!! This one was 20 bucks. So I went ahead and paid for both in hopes I don't get some other magazine in the mail saying "Thank you for your order we are so happy you subscribed".

The other day I was looking through a magzine at work and found a recipe for pumpkin-ginger cheesecake that looks yummy so I had to make a copy of it! On this they also have chocolate-pecan tart with butterscotch cream, now that sounds really rich! I also found another recidpe for holiday walnut cake. Another time I had found potluck polynesian chicken which I made one time and even my youngest put a thumbs up!! So I will be making that again.

Now I did say in another blog about my mom always making this nut roll every year for the holidays and how she never taught me how to make it. So I was going through some of her cook books trying to find the "green" one because I know that is where the recipe is and I got so up set because I thought I might have left it at the house she lived in. I was asking my children if they remember if I took it because cleaning out the house was a blure anyways, they said maybe you put it in a box that you took to the shed. I searched and I found it, I was so happy!! So I had the task of trying to find the recipe in this book, but I opened it up and low and behold my mom had it typed up! The nut roll is called "Potica" I am not good with stuff made with yeast, but I am going to try on my own to make this no matter if I have to do the dough several times. After all it was a tradition every year for as long as I can remember! My mom even made last Christmas even though she wasn't feeling all that well bless her heart!

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

good luck with the nut roll! i enjoy new recipes and have some oldie-but-goodie ones in my family that i could never part with!