Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growing Pains

Last post I wrote about how my kids were growing up and how time is going by so fast, well on that note: My youngest son is going to confirmation classes and he missed the first two so he has some catching up to do. The other day I was out watering and he came out to keep my company, at least that is what I thought. He than says mom I have something to ask you, Oh boy here it comes! He ask if he could take his skate board to school so that after school he can go from school to church for confirmation class. I thought about it because it isn't to far from the school to church and there isn't any major high way he would have to cross or anything so I told him it was okay with me, but ask your dad what he thinks too. My husband said he was okay with it as long as I was okay with it. I told my son you call me as you are leaving school and than call me when you get to church. Well I ended up calling him as he was leaving school, but he did remember to call me when he got to church. I told him I would pick him up after confirmation because I didn't want him skating home because there is a major highway on the way home. I picked him up and he ask if I could take his friend home who also had his skate board so I did. This is like a big deal for me the whole thing of letting my son skate board from school to church. I am trying to let him be a little more independent but I have always been an over protected parent or at least that is what I have been told. I can't help it there are just to many crazy people out there that I have to keep my guard up after all I am supposed to protect my children! Another thing was my husband and I are going to be celebrating our anniversary and I was thinking I don't want to leave my kids home alone to long, but my prayer was answered without me even asking! My oldest son said he was off work on Friday if we wanted him to stay with his brother and sister so we could spend the whole day together he would even pick them up from school. I know they are 17 and 13, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable be gone for hours knowing that they were home alone, it is just the way I am! I am trying to change or not so much change just trying to let go a little so they feel like I trust them even though I have told them I trust them I just don't trust others. To many things could happen and I try to tell them I am the way I am because I love them so much! Yes growing up is painful, but I am not sure if it is more painful for them or ME!!

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

its always more painful for the parent. but it depends on the child too! my oldest was "responsible and mature" enough to babysit (not too late) at age 12. My middle one wil be 12 soon, and I am thinking, "no way ca he babysit!" hahaha!