Thursday, January 22, 2009


Some people truly have the gift for writing. They can write down anything and make it sound good. I am not one of those people however! I would love to be but I am just not. Sometimes I will think of something and it sounds really good in my head until I get it wrote done some how it just doesn't sound as good. I have a friend at work who can wrote down something even on the spur of the moment and it comes out good!! Yes Nursemom I am talking about you!! Sometimes she'll write this poem and put our names in it and they come out so cute! Or she will cut out pictures and than write something about us with the pictures! One time she wrote a poem about people leaving their messes in the break room, it is still hanging there on the wall. I remember when I was taking this class and we had to write a paragraph on something and the teacher said she liked the ending but I needed to work on the whole paragraph again, but by the time I got it right she said the good part was old news. I remember it was about how my husband and I would go back to the vistors center at Tahoe every year because that is where we went on our first date. It was in October when the salmon run. It is so awesome to see the river red with salmon! They go back to spawn and die. So I said something like we go back every year just like the salmon. Anyway I love to read peoples blog that can pretty much write about anything and make it sound so good or funny! I just don't have that ability! My oldest son does though, not sure where he got it from but he can write poems and short stories, his problem is sometimes he will start a story and not finish it because he has several things going at once! (That is his ADD). He was like that when he was growing up. He would have like three or four toys out at the same time and never finish any of them! So I will keep the things in my head to write down, but they most likely won't sound as good as they did in my head!


EmmaP said...

to be honest i don't know if it ever comes across as good as it sounds in our heads! people used to tell me that to be a good writer you have to enjoy reading. well - i *do* enjoy reading, as long as it's reading I enjoy. make sense? and I know a lot of avid readers who aren't that great at writing. So - my opinion is that it just takes practice. Personally, I think I write ok because I am a *talker*. I love to listen to other people's stories and I love to tell my own too. So the gift of gab just naturally carries out on to paper. I usually write how I speak. Which, sometimes may not make any sense to anyone but me! hahaha! As Dorrie says from Finding Nemo... "Just keep swimming!"

purplehaze said...

LOL it must run in your family gabbing I mean! Nursemom will be talking and than I will say something and she tells me to shut up! I crack up all the time! Thanks for the imput.

okeydokeyifine said...

Pleading Guilty!

Sorry about that. But thanks for hanging in there with me anyway.
