Saturday, October 18, 2008


My son and his girl friend rescued a kitten from certain death. They now have 3 cats and this kitten. They took it to the vet yesterday because it wasn't doing so well and my son called to ask me to pick his girl friend up because he had to go back to work. I did and this kitten is so darn cute!! They said they aren't going to keep it just get it well enough to give it away. They named this kitten "Chester", I am afraid that they will end up keeping it because they named it! It is about six weeks old and they have to hand feed it with a syringe. Poor little thing is so dehydrated and malnourished, but with a little tender loving care and water, food I think he will be okay. My son is so good hearted and loves all animals I wasn't surprised when he told me about the rescue! If I could I would take this kitten, because I too love all animals! My daughter is allergic to cats though so I can't take it in! I would have all kinds of animals if we lived where we had enough land. My husband's dream was to have a self-sustaining farm. Which is a nice dream, but I wouldn't be able to eat any of the animals, because I would have names for them all! I can go to the store and buy meat and it doesn't bother me because I didn't know that cow, chicken, pig or what ever. If I had seen this animal alive and had any part of its upbringing there is no way I could eat it. I could eat the chicken's eggs, but I couldn't eat the chicken. I could even drink the cow's milk, but I couldn't eat the cow. It is probably a good thing we don't live on a "farm" because I know they would all be my pets!! That would be a lot of pets to feed! Well see how it goes with this kitten and see if they give it away or not. I was holding it yesterday and even Rachel said I was first one she thought of to give it too, but she knows my daughter is allergic.


EmmaP said...

awwww. cute!

Heather said...

Kittens are so cute. I hope the little critter will be okay!