Friday, November 13, 2009

The Three Doors

I am standing here and the're three doors in front of me. I am not sure which door to open first and am not sure why they are here. I decide to open the first door and it is the door to the past. As I open it up I see a clock that is just spinning round and round so fast. It is dark and windy, but I see things, things that are my past. They are all spinning by me so fast like the clock that is just there. Faces and places and people that I have known. I see my mom and dad and it makes me stop to think that almost like the clock time does pass by us so fast. I shut the door and go to open the second door and it is the door of the present. There is a clock here too, but it is just ticking normal. I hear the seconds ticking and I only see what is happening right now at this moment as the clock ticks, ticks, ticks. I shut this door and open the next door and find nothing but blackness for this is the door of the future. There is that same clock only it isn't ticking or spinning it is stopped for I don't see what the future holds. They say for every door that closes there is another one to open. No one truly knows what the future holds or where and what will happen in the next day or year or ten years. I do know that God is always there for me no matter what and even though sometimes I am scared at what the future holds I know God will lead me through it for he doesn't give you more than you can handle. I will take one day at a time and live as it is my last and love my family and spend as much time with them as I can and know and trust in God.


Unknown said...

Is this a dream you had recently?

purplehaze said...

No just thinking one day and wrote it down.