Friday, July 24, 2009

The Rest Of The Story...

Remember that game that was played as a child where you sat in a circle and whispered in the person sitting next to you something and they would whisper to the next and so on. By the time the last person got the ear whisper they would shout out what was said and when they did it was not even close to what you said? Well life is like that sometimes. Someone will tell you something that they had heard and unless you got it from the horses mouth you aren't sure what they are saying is even true. That happens a lot around work. Now I try not to believe everything I hear and I really don't like gossip so I will say something like "This is what I heard"or "I didn't get this from the horses mouth". Sometimes you never hear the rest of the story or the true story and it makes you wonder if what you heard is really true. Well what I am getting at is a few months ago we had heard about this gal getting arrested for DUI and than again hearing she got another one. So I really felt bad about it and didn't want to jump to conclusions with not hearing from her what had happened. I hadn't seen her in a while and than one day I had seen her, but of course not knowing her that well I wasn't going to ask her, even if I did know her I am not sure I would have said anything. Well the other day I had to float to sit with this lady and she came in to draw some blood and was telling me that she had a pinched nerve and was in a lot of pain, but she didn't want to have to take anymore time off of work. Than she proceeded to tell me that she had just got over a drinking problem and that her husband of 29 years had ask for a divorce and that is when she started drinking, but now she is okay with it even though she said her and her husband have never been apart in all those years of marriage and that she has known nothing else since she was 25. I didn't know what to say so I just listened and she thank me for letting her vent and I told her I was sorry and that I hoped everything worked out! She said that she was getting used to living alone and she was trying to get her life back and that she felt good except for the pinched nerve. So there you have it sometimes even when you don't ask you get "The Rest Of The Story"!


EmmaP said...

maybe she just needed someone to share with; someone who doesnt seem to be too noesy or judgemental. i know for me, i have been more prone to open ujp to people like that... the ones that DONT ask and the ones that DONT seem to judge me. but I DO need to vent at times...

purplehaze said...

I have always been a good listener and let people vent. We all need that from time to time!